Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1
Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1 is now available via automatic update and the Add-On browser. This is both a feature and maintenance release and it is highly recommended that you update to v1.1 if you are currently using the Signature Add-On. We have enhanced the Signature Add-On so that managing existing signatures when editing a form entry is now possible.
We want to thank Amit, the developer of the SuperSignature javascript that is used by the Signature Add-On. He was a tremendous help in working with us to resolve bugs and issues encountered in the SuperSignature script.
Here is a look at what is new in Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1:
- Updated edit entry functionality to support previewing, downloading and deleting signature from lead.
- Fixed issue with custom validation message not getting displayed.
- Fixed issue with signature URL not being created correctly when resending notifications.
- Fixed conflict with IE8.
- Fixed issues when signing on IE9.
- Fixed issue where editing entry resulted in removal of signature from lead.
Please Note: Automatic Upgrade will only work if you have entered a valid Business or Developer License Key in the Settings page of Gravity Forms in your WordPress Administration Panel.
You may download the Signature Add-On here, and read the documentation here.