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Date Time Calculator

Use Date and Time fields in your Gravity Forms calculations. Perform advanced date and time calculation with ease.

Certified Add-On

Use Date and Time fields in calculations across your Gravity Forms.

Create complex and precise calculations based on any combination of Date, Time, and Number fields. Calculations can be used in any field that normally supports calculations, allowing you to build forms with flexible time-based pricing, track days and hours, determine the age of a customer based on their birth date, and any other calculation related to date and time.

Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator


  • Use Date and Time fields in your Gravity Forms’ calculations.
    Create robust date and time-based calculations right in your form editor.
  • Calculate duration between dates and times.
    Determine how many years, days, hours (and more!) are between any two Date or Time fields.
  • Supports every date/time unit you’ll need.
    Get your results in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
  • Calculate the user’s age and apply age-specific customizations.
    Prevent underage submissions, configure child/senior pricing, determine customer’s age for past and future milestones.
  • Count weekdays and weekend days between two dates.
    Only count the days that are important for your calculation.
  • Duration-based pricing.
    Combine with Gravity Forms Calculated Product fields to create dynamic pricing based on user selected dates/times.
  • Automatic updates.
    Get updates and the latest features right in your dashboard.
  • Legendary support.
    We’re known for our response times, and going above and beyond. Here’s what we mean.
  • Take it for a test drive.
    Click here to get an interactive demo for Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator.

We’re here to help.

“We’ve used Perks for a month and, already, we can’t imagine life without Gravity Perks. You guys are great and your product is indispensable.”
– Kylie Spizale, Family Missions Company

Made by Gravity Forms Developers.

  • Legit Gravity Forms wizards.
    We used to work at Gravity Forms, and we’re certified developers.
  • Over 10,000 customers.
    Join a community of Gravity Forms users, web developers and agencies.
  • Save thousands of dollars in development fees.
    Create custom, no-code solutions for your business from a growing list of 36+ plugins.
  • Access to hundreds of free snippets.
    Easily customize Gravity Forms to your exact needs.
  • Support you can count on.
    Our Pro plan averages a one hour response time and can help with minor customizations.
  • Zero risk to use.
    A 30 day money-back guarantee.

Questions? Reach out to us.

Access the full documentation for Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator.

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We have a plugin for nearly every scenario – including Limit Submissions, Auto Login, Inventory, Nested Forms, and Address Autocomplete.

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