Certified Add-Ons
Confidently add new features and functionality to Gravity Forms with this hand-picked collection of Certified Add-Ons. These Add-Ons are the best of the best, helping you do even more with Gravity Forms.
Disable Entry Creation
Automatically delete a Gravity Forms entry and any associated files after the form is submitted.
OpenAI (Free Version)
Harness the power of OpenAI and cutting edge language models like GPT3 using Gravity Forms (free plugin).
Address Autocomplete
Increase form conversions and reduce form abandonment. Users can autocomplete their address with a single tap, no matter where ...
Preview Submission
Allow users to confirm their submission is correct before actually submitting.
Gravity Forms Block Email Domains
Easily set a list of email domains to block on email fields in Gravity Forms.
GravityRevisions: Manage form and entry revisions
Track changes to Gravity Forms entries and restore prior versions
Feed Specific Submit Button
Dynamically update your form's submit button to tell customers they're being redirected to Stripe Checkout.
GravityExport: Entry Reports for Excel, PDF, Dropbox
The ultimate export and reporting solution for Gravity Forms: export data to csv, excel or PDF!
Progress Meter
A free plugin that displays a progress meter on your forms to visualize how close each submission or payment gets you towards a...
Limit Choices
Limit how many times each “choice” on a multi-choice field may be selected.