Price Range
Specify a minimum and maximum price range for User Defined Price product fields.
What does it do?
Specify a minimum and maximum price range for User Defined Price product fields. Prevent users from offering a price that is unreasonably low or accidentally adding an extra zero making their price ludicrously high.
- Set minimum and maximum prices ranges for User Defined Price Product fields.
Add pay-what-you-want, donation, tip fields, and more! - Seamless, easy-to-use UI.
Integrates directly with Gravity Forms Product fields. - Automatic updates.
Get updates and latest features right in your dashboard. - Legendary support.
We’re known for our response times, and going above and beyond. - Take it for a test drive.
Check out our documentation page for an interactive demo.
We’re here to help.
“I have never been happier buying a plugin. Your products are perfect but the support is even more perfect. I made a big project happen in a few hours. Thank you for everything!”
– Tasos Tiligadis, Westsa
Made by Gravity Forms Developers.
- Legit Gravity Forms wizards.
We used to work at Gravity Forms, and we’re certified developers. - Over 10,000 customers.
Join a community of Gravity Forms users, web developers and agencies. - Save thousands of dollars in development fees.
Create custom, no-code solutions for your business from a growing list of 36+ plugins. - Access to hundreds of free snippets.
Easily customize Gravity Forms to your exact needs. - Support you can count on.
Our Pro plan averages a one hour response time and can help with minor customizations. - Zero risk to use.
A 30 day money-back guarantee.
Questions? Reach out to us.
Looking for functionality beyond Gravity Forms out-of-the-box?
We have a plugin for nearly every scenario – including Limit Submissions, Populate Anything, Inventory, Nested Forms, File Upload Pro, and Address Autocomplete.

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