Add-Ons -


An Official Gravity Forms Add-On

Quickly and easily integrate signature capabilities into your forms with the Gravity Forms Signature Add-On. Allow users to sign your forms using touchscreen devices, touch pads, or a mouse, no browser plugin required.


Professional Forms

Collecting a user’s signature via a form on your WordPress website can save time, reduce paperwork, and provide an impressive user experience for your clients and customers. With Gravity Forms and our Signature Add-On, you can quickly create professional forms that capture signatures and cater to any business requirements.

Easy to Use

The Gravity Forms Signature Add-On allows you to easily capture signatures on any new or existing form. Simply install the add-on on your WordPress site, then add the Signature Field to the appropriate form within the form editor.

Touch Screen Device Support

The Signature Add-On displays an online signature pad on your form, where users can sign their name using a touchscreen device, any device that has a built-in touchpad, or just a mouse.

Cross Browser Support

No browser plugin is required, and the add-on works with all major desktop and mobile browsers including Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and many more.

Form Entries

When a signature is captured, the data is sent to your server, where it is converted into a PNG image file and then stored. Signatures can then be viewed within the Entry Details of a Form Entry.


Purchase Gravity Forms Now
  • Requirements
  • Gravity Forms v1.6.2+
  • WordPress v3.3+
  • PHP 5+ with GD library support