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Timed Entries for Gravity Forms

Time your Gravity Forms quiz/form entries. Set a time limit and multiple timed actions! Add auto submission or blocked editing on a timer and record quiz/form completion times. Hide, show, or block editing of form fields and page elements, and more!

Time your Gravity Forms quiz/form entries and set a time limit and multiple timed actions! Add time limits for quiz/form completion with auto submission or blocked editing on a timer and record quiz/form completion times. Hide, show, or block editing of form fields and page elements, and alert messages to the user at custom times or when the form timer expires. The plugin can optionally show the user timers which count up or down for the total entry time.

If you have a quiz or form that needs a time limit and/or that you would like to know the amount of time it took to complete, this is the plugin for you! Entry timer fields can be visible to the user or hidden, and at custom times or when the time limit is reached, you can show the user custom messages, hide and/or display page elements, and either redirect the page, block further editing, or auto submit the quiz/form as is.

Download This Add-On

Visit the developers website to purchase or download this third-party add-on.

Request Support

This plugin is supported by the developer on their site. We do not provide direct support for this add-on.