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UK Postcode Lookup for Gravity Forms

A premium addon for Gravity Forms, enhancing the address field to allow UK postcode lookup using the API.

Gravity Forms has long been a staple of my WordPress development toolkit, and over the years I’ve created custom field types and extended the plugin to do lots of interesting things.

Today I’m happy to share the release of the plugin UK Postcode Lookup for Gravity Forms, which extends the standard Gravity Forms address field to integrate the postcode lookup service.

With the plugin activated, and your API key in place*, your visitors can enter their postcode and select their address from a dropdown list of suggestions instead of moving from field to field and manually typing in their details.

*use of this plugin requires an active subscription.

Download This Add-On

Visit the developers website to purchase or download this third-party add-on.

Request Support

This plugin is supported by the developer on their site. We do not provide direct support for this add-on.