wpDataTables integration for Gravity Forms
wpDataTables integration for Gravity Forms

A powerful tool that adds “Gravity Form” as a new table type in wpDataTables and allows you to create responsive, editable, sortable tables & charts based on Gravity Forms entries.
Support Server-side processing that allows you to create a table from the form which has hundreds of thousands of entries.
Allows you to create editable tables from entries with standard and popover editor. Support editing permissions and setting that users can see and edit only own data.
Advanced filtering enables frontend table users to filter the data in the tables by the values of each individual column; e.g., to get only the records where a price is between two values; or where a name contains a substring. Multiple advanced filters can be combined, making it possible to use wpDataTables as a filterable catalog.
Additional features for the tables: export to PDF, export to CSV, export to Excel, print view, toggle for column visibility for front-end users, etc.
From created tables, you are able to create over 60 different chart types from 4 powerful engines and update it in real time.