Our Thoughts.
A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.

Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On v1.0 Beta 1 Released
By Carl HancockThe Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On v1.0 Beta 1 is now available for download. This Add-On makes it possible to use Gravity Forms to create a User Registration form that automatically registers users on your WordPress site. This is great for replacing the built in WordPress registration form or for use on BuddyPress (v1.2.6) powered sites. With the User Registration Add-On you can easily create a registration form that does more than just create a user account, it can also automatically populate user meta data and BuddyPress profile data as well as create a Gravity Forms entry to capture non-user registration related data. The User Registration Add-On also integrates with the PayPal Add-On to require a payment before the user is registered.
Read moreGravity Forms PayPal Add-On v1.0 Beta 3 Released
By Carl HancockThe Gravity Forms PayPal Add-On v1.0 Beta 3 is now available. This is a single fix release that adds support for the User Registration Add-On.
Read moreGravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.4 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.4 has been released via automatic upgrade. This release adds support for Client ID’s as part of the API key setup to pre-select the Campaign Monitor client when integrating with Gravity Forms. Please note that the Campaign Monitor API still requires the primary API key, the Client ID is a secondary key used to identify a specific client under that API key.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5 RC1 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5 Release Candidate 1 is now available for download. We are doing our best to make sure the final release is as bug free as possible and have squashed a few more with this new release. Gravity Forms v1.5 implements a large number of new features and you can get the full list of what is new in 1.5 below in this post. Keep the feedback and bug reports coming as we get closer to a final release. Please provide beta feedback and bug reports on the Support Forum and make it clear you are referring to the 1.5 RC1 release when doing so. Thanks!
Read moreGravity Forms PayPal Add-On v1.0 Beta 2 Released
By Carl HancockThe Gravity Forms PayPal Add-On v1.0 Beta 2 is now available. This release adds the ability to conditionally send the user to PayPal based on values they have selected on the form. This makes it easier to integrate PayPal into an existing form that will send them to PayPal only if certain conditions are met and show the standard form confirmation message if PayPal is not necessary.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5 Beta 3 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5 Beta 3 is now available for download. We are getting closer to a final release and have corrected a few bugs and adding some new capabilities. You can now use form field variables in all Notification fields and the Post Category field can now be set to admin only in order to set a default post category. Keep the feedback and bug reports coming, we look forward to your feedback! Please provide beta feedback and bug reports on the Support Forum and make it clear you are referring to the 1.5 Beta 3 release when doing so. Thanks!
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5 Beta 2 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5 Beta 2 is now available for download. This is primarily a bug fix release, however it does bring some new features and functionality to the upcoming Gravity Forms v1.5 release. Keep the feedback and bug reports coming, we look forward to your feedback! Please provide beta feedback and bug reports on the Support Forum and make it clear you are referring to the 1.5 Beta 2 release when doing so. Thanks!
Read moreGravity Forms v1.4.5 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.4.5 has been released via automatic upgrade. This is an important release that fixes a critical bug in the version of JSON that ships with Gravity Forms. We highly recommend you always run the latest version of the plugin.
Read moreGravity Forms PayPal Add-On v1.0 Beta 1 Released
By Carl HancockOne of the most requested add-ons, PayPal integration, is finally here. We are pleased to announce the Beta 1 test release of the Gravity Forms PayPal Add-On with full PayPal IPN integration. Gravity Forms and PayPal make collecting payments simple and easy. With the PayPal Add-On you can do more than just collect data, you can quickly integrate any form with your PayPal account to create powerful order forms. If you are familiar with the MailChimp, Campaign Monitor and FreshBooks Add-Ons you should have no problems getting started with the PayPal Add-On.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5 Beta 1 Released
By Carl HancockWe are excited to announce the immediate availability of Gravity Forms v1.5 Beta 1. This beta test release introduces some highly anticipated new features such as Multi-Page Forms and Pricing Fields with calculations. We are looking forward to receiving feedback from users who want to help us test out the new features. Please provide beta feedback and bug reports on the Support Forum and make it clear you are referring to the 1.5 Beta 1 release when doing so. Thanks!
Read moreGravity Forms v1.4.4 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.4.4 has been released via automatic upgrade. This is an important release that fixes several bugs. We highly recommend you always run the latest version of the plugin.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.4 Released
By Carl HancockWe are very pleased to announce that Gravity Forms v1.4 is now available. This is a big release that adds plenty of new features and enhanced functionality to the Gravity Forms plugin. How could we improve on the best forms plugin available for WordPress? Read on!
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