Our Thoughts.
A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.

Invoices Added to Customer Account Page
By Kevin FlahautInvoices/receipts for your Gravity Forms purchases may now be accessed and printed directly from your customer account page. Follow the steps below to view and print your purchase invoices. login to your support account and go to the customer account page. Find your license key and click on the “details” link On the key details page, click on the “view/print” link to view your invoice. If you need to edit the company name and or tax ID information, you can edit that information directly from the invoice page, just look for the edit link below the customer information. If you need to print and save your invoice as a PDF file, you can simply save the form to PDF directly from your browser’s printer dialog
Read moreTwentyTen Theme-Specific Styles Removed for
By Kevin FlahautUpdate: This change made it into an earlier release than originally expected. It’s effective for the new release. In another bit of housecleaning and streamlining the plugin, we’ve decided to remove the TwentyTen theme-specific rules from the default forms.css file starting with the release of the version. That’s one less thing for us to maintain and it also reduces code bloat for everyone that’s not using the current WordPress default theme. To be clear, this doesn’t mean we’re dropping support for the TwentyTen theme itself, it simply means we’re not including those theme-specific styles in the default stylesheet from now on.
Read moreThesis theme-specific styles removed
By Kevin FlahautAs of Gravity Forms version 1.5, we’ve decided to remove the Theis theme-specific CSS rules from the default forms.css file. We’re keeping a few rules geared towards the default WordPress TwentyTen theme, but won’t be continuing to support any other third party themes directly. We originally decided to try this as a service to our Thesis users, but it’s not something that’s really scalable or something we believe needs to remain in the core plugin css file.
Read more2 New Form Demos Added
By Kevin FlahautWe added 2 new form demo/tutorials today on our site. One covers building “Mad Lib” style forms, something that’s been requested a lot lately and the other is a short tutorial on making “Likert Scale” or survey type multiple choice fields. We hope you find them helpful and inspirational. If you’ve done anything awesome with Gravity Forms, drop us a line via our contact form with a URL and some info about your form customization. We’d love to share and learn from your work too.
Read moreGravity Forms Releases FreshBooks Add-On 1.0
By Kevin FlahautTo follow up on the release of our MailChimp and Campaign Monitor Add-Ons, we are pleased to announce the launch of our FreshBooks Add-On! FreshBooks is a hosted service that makes online invoicing, estimates and client management quick and easy! FreshBooks allows you to send, track and collect payments quickly. It’s a great tool for teams, freelancers and service providers.
Read moreGravity Forms CSS Visual Guide
By Kevin FlahautView Guide (HTML Version) | Download Guide (png) We’ve put together a simple visual guide to help illustrate the structure of a form and the CSS class relationship.
Read moreCreating a Modal Form with Gravity Forms and FancyBox
By Kevin FlahautThere have been a few questions on how to create a Gravity Form in a modal window. For this example, we’re going to use the jQuery script “FancyBox” to create the modal form. Basically, what you’re going to do is to create a form, embed it in a simple page and then link to it from the page you want to include the modal form. Pretty simple right?
Read moreGravity Forms 1.3.4 Released
By Kevin FlahautGravity Forms v1.3.4 has been released via automatic upgrade. This release fixes one additional bug related to a PHP configuration. If “magic_quotes” are turned off in the configuration, it could cause problems with saving forms properly. If you have already upgraded to version 1.3.3, we recommend that you update to the newest version right away. You can upgrade to Gravity Forms version 1.3.4 by Automatic Upgrade or by downloading the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page. Please Note: Automatic Upgrade will only work if you have entered your Support License Key in the Settings page of Gravity Forms in your WordPress Administration Panel.
Read moreGravity Forms 1.3.3 Released
By Kevin FlahautGravity Forms v1.3.3 has been released via automatic upgrade. This release fixes a few minor bugs and includes an additional enhancement to the post submission action. Fixed issue with file upload creating a broken link when filename contains a single quote Fixed issue with conditional logic that prevented field values from being updated when field was changed Fixed issue with conditional logic that caused value to be truncated when selected value contained a single quote Fixed issue that corrupted the form meta when saving forms on servers where magic quotes where turned off Added $form parameter to gform_post_submission action (Thanks to d4le for the suggestion) Included a minor CSS update to fix a reported IE issue where the labels on the radio buttons and checkboxes weren’t displaying properly You can upgrade to the latest version of Gravity Forms using Automatic Upgrade or by downloading the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page. Please Note: Automatic Upgrade will only work if you have entered your Support License Key in the Settings page of Gravity Forms in your WordPress Administration Panel.
Read moreGravity Forms 1.3 Released
By Kevin FlahautWe are excited about the release Gravity Forms v1.3! This is an exciting release that adds some new, exciting and very powerful features to an already feature-packed plugin. Developers will love the conditional logic form fields and novice users will love the new features andn options that make managing forms even more flexible. The plugin is available via Automatic Upgrade in your WordPress Administration Panel, or you may Download it and install it manually.
Read moreClearing Default Field Values with jQuery
By Kevin FlahautA few people have asked about automatically clearing the default field values on focus. While that’s not a feature in the current version of Gravity Forms, It’s easy enough to accomplish with a little bit of jQuery goodness. This script will remove any default value from input fields and textareas on focus, and if you haven’t changed it, will restore it on blur.
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