Our Thoughts.
A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.

Tips For Styling Beautiful Forms
By Jeff MatsonHave you ever seen a design that makes you want to rip your eyes out? Yeah, we all have. In fact, even a beautiful website with an ugly form on a single page can ruin the entire experience. We’ve seen a lot of forms (including the millions powered by Gravity Forms), and we still cringe when we see a really ugly one. Don’t want to have one of those ugly forms that makes us want to bleach our eyes? Here’s our tips on styling your forms to make your ugly duckling into a swan.
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Increasing Form Conversion Rates
By Jeff MatsonWe might be a little biased here, but we think forms are the absolute best way to engage with your current and future customers. Of course, a form isn’t very useful if it’s not converting because nobody is filling it out. Increasing your form’s conversion rates is a simple way to better engage your customers which ultimately results in more money.
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1-Day Only: Black Friday Sale
By Jeff MatsonWhile everyone else is out buying $99 TVs that they don’t need, why not pick up that Gravity Forms license you’ve had your eye on for 50% off? You might be thinking “Wow. I can’t remember the last time I saw a sale for Gravity Forms”. That’s probably because in the 8 years that Gravity Forms has been revolutionizing the way you create forms on your WordPress site, even we can’t remember the last time we offered a sale like this.
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Stripe Add-On Updated To 2.3.2
By Jeff MatsonA minor bugfix for the Stripe add-on has been released which fixes an issue where the card type validation message would contain “false” in some situations. While the issue is fairly rare and will not likely occur for the overwhelming majority of users, it’s always a good idea to update. Not yet using the Stripe add-on? Check it out. It’s our personal favorite way to accept payments on any form.
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Pipe Video Recording Add-On v1.0.1 Released
By Jeff MatsonWe’ve released a small update to the Pipe video recording add-on today. This small maintenance release includes the following: Previously, the Pipe video field was displaying a JSON string instead of the recorded video URL when using the {all_fields} merge tag. As of version 1.0.1, this has been fixed and will display the correct video URL. Haven’t had a chance to try out the new Pipe video recording add-on yet? It’s pretty cool. You can use it to record videos and submit them with your form submissions. By utilizing a video recorder directly within your form, visitors to your WordPress site can now submit recorded video with ease.
Read moreGravity Forms Sponsors WordCamp US + Free Tickets
By Jeff MatsonAs you may already know, we at Gravity Forms truly believe in supporting the community that supports us. Without the WordPress community, we simply wouldn’t exist. That’s why this year we’re proud to announce that we’re sponsoring WordCamp US.
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