Brand New Release: Gravity Forms 2.7.1
We are pleased to announce the release of Gravity Forms 2.7.1. Incorporating numerous updates and improvements, with this update you’ll find…
- Added “Date Updated” to the list of default exported entry values. Credit: The GravityKit team.
- Updated the setup wizard to use a placeholder instead of default value of “blog” in the website type dropdown.
- Updated entry saving to add a note to the entry when batch saving of field values fails.
(Full Changelog below).
Find Out More About Gravity Forms 2.7
Gravity Forms 2.7 went live last month and as always with our major releases, 2.7 packs a punch! Once you’ve updated to 2.7.1, you’ll benefit from a new built-in template library, significantly improved form styling options via a new form theme and block styling settings, as well as a redesigned Setup Wizard.
- Form Template Library – Our premade, fully-customizable form templates will help you get started in minutes, or can be used as a jumping off point for more complex form builds.
- Form Theme and Block Styling Options – A new front-end form theme, named Orbital, and block styling settings will enable you to easily customize the appearance of your forms, no CSS needed.
- Setup Wizard – A redesigned Setup Wizard will give new customers a user-friendly experience from the get-go.
- Honeypot Field Enhancements – JavaScript will now be used to inject another honeypot field into the form right before it is submitted, helping to identify and reduce the number of spam entries.
- Developer Features – A significant shift in how we build our products sees us now using React and our new component library to create our back-end UI. This will significantly benefit our developer community, and the experience of building on Gravity Forms.
Gravity Forms 2.7 is now available to all customers! Simply update the plugin from within your WordPress Admin, or download version 2.7.1 from your Gravity Forms account dashboard.
And of course, the latest version of Gravity Forms is available to all new customers. Simply head over to our pricing page to pick the right plan for your form building needs and make a purchase.
If you have any questions about Gravity Forms 2.7, please contact Support.
Gravity Forms 2.7.1 Changelog
- Added “Date Updated” to the list of default exported entry values. Credit: The GravityKit team.
- Updated the setup wizard to use a placeholder instead of default value of “blog” in the website type dropdown.
- Updated entry saving to add a note to the entry when batch saving of field values fails.
- Updated the template library to show the basic contact form before the advanced contact form.
- Updated the form submission logging statements.
- Updated the map link in the address field to open in https.
- Updated the system report to list a few recently run scheduled events (cron jobs).
- Updated the link and text on the reCAPTCHA button on the settings page.
- Updated the form template library to account for license type.
- Fixed an issue which prevents new forms from being saved if the title or description contain double quotes.
- Fixed an issue where in a multisite installation the setup wizard is displayed for all sites even after it is completed in the main site.
- Fixed an issue with the file upload field that allows for empty submissions of required multi-file upload fields.
- Fixed database warnings when a site has forms added before 1.8.
- Fixed a fatal error that occurs on front-end page load with MySQL versions between 5.7 and 5.7.8 and MariaDB versions up to 10.2.25.
- Fixed an accessibility issue that causes an empty div instead of the error message to be focused on form submit when the form has validation errors.
- Fixed an issue that causes the Simplebar JS library to load on the front end.
- Fixed an accessibility issue that prevents the product quantity screen reader text from rendering on the front end.
- Fixed the “for” attribute in checkbox inputs with more than 10 checkboxes in the repeater field.
- Fixed display problems when using an extended consent field in the Orbital theme.
- Fixed the password strength indicator in the default Gravity Theme to make it use colors to indicate password strength.
- Fixed an issue where the user can’t login with the password they entered during registration when background feed processing is enabled for the User Registration Add-On.
- Fixed an issue that causes a required number input in a repeater to fail validation if the value is 0.
- Fixed the filter ‘gform_post_select_initial_count’ not applying the passed value correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the file upload field merge tag is returning the direct link to the file when used in the confirmation query string.
- Fixed an accessibility issue with inline svg files inside focusable elements.
- Fixed the warning that is thrown when creating a blank form.
- Fixed an issue that causes confusing image tags in the copied system report.
- Fixed an issue that prevents checkbox value modifiers from working when there are multiple modifiers.
- Fixed an issue that causes the subtitle text on the about page to not be readable.
- Fixed naming collisions with external JavaScript code by deprecating our custom String.prototype.format() function in favor of String.prototype.gformFormat().
- Removed unused images to downsize the image folder.
- Removed the inaccurate site registration status item from the copied system report.
- Removed an extra curly brace from the class-gf-field-name.php file.
Gravity Forms 2.7.1 Add-On Framework Changelog
- AF: Fixed an issue with the settings hidden field that prevented custom css classes or custom id attributes from being specified in the field settings.
- AF: Improved keyboard accessibility of the image radio and card settings field types.
- AF: Improved form submission performance for sites with multiple payment add-ons active.
- AF: Updated
to call$this->delay_feed()
when the feed is added to the background processing queue.
Gravity Forms 2.7.1 API Changelog
- API: Added the gform_pre_process_async_notifications and gform_post_process_async_notifications hooks to the background notifications processor.
- API: Added the gform_search_criteria_entry_limit_validation filter.
- API: Fixed the “no route found” error when performing an OPTIONS request to the REST API v2 endpoints.
- API: Fixed an issue where feeds can be created for forms that don’t exist.
- API: Fixed an issue where feeds couldn’t be created for form ID 0, which is required for feeds that can be used by any form.
- API: Fixed an issue where resetting one custom select field resets all custom select fields on the page.