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Brand New Release: Gravity Forms 2.8.12

Gravity Forms By Gravity Forms Published May 30, 2024

Brand New Release-Gravity Forms 2.8.12

We’re pleased to announce the release of Gravity Forms version 2.8.12. The release contains these two fixes…

  • Fixed an issue where a console error is thrown if gform.initializeOnLoaded is called directly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Conversational Forms Add-On settings page is not displayed if the site is using a plugin to manage roles and capabilities.

Gravity SMTP Has Been Released!

Gravity SMTP is now available! Our new stand-alone WordPress plugin gives you an easy way to send WordPress website emails via third-party SMTP services for improved deliverability.

Gravity Forms Elite License holders can now start using Gravity SMTP to integrate their WordPress website with a selection of trusted email service providers.

Your chosen provider then takes over email-sending duties from WordPress and your web host to deliver the notification emails from Gravity Forms and other plugins you’re using, such as WooCommerce, WordPress admin notifications, and any other emails generated by your site.

Thanks to this, you can use a provider known for its high deliverability rates rather than depending on the often unreliable email functionality of WordPress.

The Gravity SMTP wizard makes it quick and easy to set up integrations with the following email service providers:

  • Brevo
  • Mailgun
  • Postmark
  • SendGrid

If your preferred email provider isn’t on the list, the plugin’s settings pages give you the ability to create a custom integration with your choice of SMTP service.

The plugin also has testing and logging functionality so that you can ensure the integration is configured correctly and emails are being sent.

You can see how the plugin works and get the full details of its features in our Ultimate Guide to Gravity SMTP.

Gravity Forms 2.8.12 Changelog

  • Fixed an issue where a console error is thrown if gform.initializeOnLoaded is called directly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Conversational Forms Add-On settings page is not displayed if the site is using a plugin to manage roles and capabilities.


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