Brand New Release: Moderation Add-On 1.1
We’re pleased to announce the release of an update for the Gravity Forms Moderation Add-On. Version 1.1 contains a number of fixes, including…
- Fixed the inaccurate alert message when site language is not supported by Perspective.
- Fixed a PHP 8.1 deprecation notice that occurs on the entry detail page when an entry doesn’t have a score.
Add Moderation to Gravity Forms
If you want to create a safe environment by reducing toxicity and abusive behavior, the Moderation Add-On can take care of this for you.
The Gravity Forms Moderation Add-On lets you filter form entries based on toxicity. Once installed, you can create filters that are applied site-wide or to individual forms to detect and manage toxic form entries.
Depending on how you configure the add-on, submissions that are deemed toxic can either be deleted immediately or sent to the Toxic Entry Box in your WordPress dashboard. Through the controls, you’re able to filter form entries based on specific criteria. Some examples include choosing the type of content you’d like to block, setting a toxicity threshold, and creating a custom list of toxic words.
You can even use the conditional logic functionality to automatically respond or display a custom confirmation message when abusive content is submitted via your forms. You can also set up custom email notifications based on form entry contents, such as sending toxic form entry notifications to a specific email address, keeping them separate from other form entries.
The Moderation Add-On utilizes the power of the Perspective API, provided by Jigsaw and Google. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze form entries, and trap and filter undesirable language and inputs.
Our guide to the Moderation Add-On and the documentation provide more information on what this add-on can do and how to set it up.
Moderation Add-On 1.1 Changelog
- Fixed the inaccurate alert message when site language is not supported by Perspective.
- Fixed a PHP 8.1 deprecation notice that occurs on the entry detail page when an entry doesn’t have a score.
- Fixed a PHP 8.1 deprecation notice that occurs on form submission if the custom toxic words setting is not configured.
- Fixed fatal error that can occur on the entry details page on sites running PHP 8.1.