Gravity Forms CLI Add-On v1.1 released
The Gravity Forms CLI Add-On v1.1 is now available in the WordPress plugin repository.
The CLI allows users to manage forms, entries and notifications on the command line. It supports import and export for both forms and entries and will resend notifications for individual entries. It also provides a way to install and update the latest hotfixes for Gravity Forms and all official add-ons. Hotfixes are frequent releases that are otherwise only available as downloads and are not deployed via auto-update.
The CLI Add-On is intended to be used by power-users, developers, managed WordPress hosts and system administrators and requires WP-CLI to be installed on the site.
What’s New in Gravity Forms CLI v1.1
- Added support for start_date and end_date filters for the entry export command. e.g. wp gf entry export 11 –start_date=”2018-11-01″ –end_date=”2018-11-11″
- Added the “wp gf tool system-report” command and the “wp gf tool status” alias for outputting the system report from the Gravity Forms 2.2+ System Status page.
- Fixed an issue with the “wp gf install” command ending with an error message when no error occurred.
- Fixed an issue where old messages could continue to be displayed in the admin following a license key change.
- Fixed an “invalid synopsis part” warning and an “unknown parameter” error with the wp gf form field update command.
- Fixed the wp gf form update command using the wrong argument to get the existing form which could result in a form not found error.
- Fixed an issue with the wp gf form create command where missing field IDs are added automatically.