News & Updates -
By Carl Hancock
Published July 3, 2012
Gravity Forms Add-On Updates
We have released a variety of Add-On updates today. New versions of the AWeber, Campaign Monitor, FreshBooks, MailChimp, and Signature add-Ons being released via automatic update. The Signature Add-On has graduated from beta release status to full v1.0 release status.
One important update that has been made to all of these Add-Ons is they have been updated to provide support for the ManageWP service to make automatic updates fully compatible with ManageWP’s update management system. ManageWP is a fantastic service for remotely managing and administering multiple WordPress installations.
Here is a rundown of the updates and changes that have been released:
AWeber Add-On v1.3
- Added logging support for upcoming Gravity Forms Logging Add-On.
- Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields.
- Added support for ManageWP automatic updates.
- Fixed debug notices.
- Fixed issue with API throwing errors on some PHP installations.
Campaign Monitor Add-On v2.0
- Added logging support for upcoming Gravity Forms Logging Add-On.
- Added support for ManageWP automatic updates.
- Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields.
- Added integration with PayPal so that subscribers can be added only when payment is received.
- Fixed notices.
- Fixed issue where product name was overriding full name for subscribers.
- Fixed localization issue with some strings.
- Fixed issue where RG_CURRENT_PAGE constant was not available when Gravity Forms was deactivated.
FreshBooks Add-On v1.3
- Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields.
- Added logging support for upcoming Gravity Forms Logging Add-On.
- Added support for ManageWP automatic updates.
- Fixed debug notices.
MailChimp Add-On v1.7
- Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields.
- Added support for ManageWP automatic updates.
- Fixed issue with some Mapped Fields not being passed (Entry Date, User IP, Source Url, Form Title).
- Fixed debug notices.
- Fixed issue when testing if email is already in the list.
Signature Add-On v1.0
- Added support for ManageWP automatic updates.
- Fixed issue when signing on IE 9.