Gravity Forms v1.6.4.1 Released
Gravity Forms v1.6.4.1 has been released via automatic update. If you are running older versions of Gravity Forms, including the initial v1.6.4 release, you should update to this new release. It resolves 2 issues that were discovered in the brand new Gravity Forms v1.6.4.
The first issue that has been patched is a javascript issue encountered when using conditional logic. It does not occur in all situations, but certain site configurations could trigger a jQuery timing issue that would prevent the conditional logic functionality from executing.
The second issue that has been patched is a calculation rounding issue when using the Product Field configured as a calculation. The price was being rounded to a whole number rather than rounding to 2 decimal places which is the appropriate format for rounding currency.
If you encounter any issues related to using the Form Editor after updating to Gravity Forms v1.6.4.1 the first thing you should do is completely clear your browser cache, restart your browser and try again. Your browser may be loading cached javascript and not loading all of the new javascript necessary for new functionality in the Form Editor to execute properly.
What Was Fixed
- Fixed issue with conditional logic throwing a javascript error in certain situations due to a jQuery timing issue.
- Fixed issue with Product Field calculation rounding.
You can update to the latest version of Gravity Forms using Automatic Update. Just visit the Updates page under the Forms navigation in your WordPress Dashboard. Update deployment is staged so if you do not see the update available, try again in a few hours. You can also download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page.