Gravity Forms v1.6.4 Beta 1 Released
Gravity Forms v1.6.4 Beta 1 is now available. We are excited about this release because it introduces a new feature that has been heavily requested: field calculations. This release also introduces a new Gravity Forms shortcode that can be used to do conditional logic in the message of email notifications as well as in the confirmation text message to conditionally display content to the user based on field selections they made when submitting the form.
We can’t wait to receive feedback from users who want to help us test out the new features. Please provide beta feedback and bug reports on the Support Forum and make it clear you are referring to the 1.6.4 Beta 1 release when doing so. Thanks!
We will be releasing v1.6.4 via automatic upgrade once it has undergone beta testing. Own Gravity Forms and want to give it a try and help us test? Grab a copy on the downloads page! Want a rundown of what is new in Gravity Forms v1.6.4? Keep reading!
Field Calculations
Calculation capabilities have been added to both the Number Field and the Product Field. This new functionality allows you to dynamically generate the value of a Number Field or the price of a Product Field based on a custom calculation using a formula you control.
This is a powerful new feature that gives you more control over how the value of a Number Field or Product pricing is calculated. It can be used in a variety of creative ways without the need to write custom PHP or implement custom jQuery. It’s built right in and anybody can put it to use by using the built in user interface for building the formula that determines the calculation that will be performed.
The calculation formula builder allows you to customize the formula that is used to perform the calculation using available form merge tags. The calculation will then be performed automatically as users fill out your form and will again be executed when the form is submitted to ensure accuracy.
The Calculation functionality has been added to the following fields:
- Number Field You can enable calculations on the Number Field so that the value of the Number Field is determined by calculation using the formula you configure.
- Product Field A new Field Type has been added to the Product Field called Calculation. When a Product Field is configured as a Calculation it behaves like a Single Product field, however the Price is determined by calculation using the formula you configure.
Conditional Shortcode
Using the new conditional shortcode you can now perform conditional logic in the message content of your Admin and User Notification emails as well as the Confirmation Message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
This shortcode allows you to control the content of the email that is sent as well as the content of the confirmation message that is displayed when a form is submitted based on selections a user makes when submitting the form.
It’s easy to use, simply wrap the content you wish to display conditionally in the conditional shortcode and configure the shortcode settings. Conditional logic will then be performed to determine if that content should be displayed when the email notification is sent or the confirmation message is displayed.
The Conditional Shortcode functionality can be used in the following locations:
- Admin Notification Message Use the conditional shortcode to conditionally output content within the admin notification message based on input and selections made by the user submitting the form.
- User Notification Message Use the conditional shortcode to conditionally output content within the user notification message based on input and selections made by the user submitting the form.
- Confirmation Message Text Use the conditional shortcode to conditionally output content within the confirmation message text displayed when the form is submitted.
Documentation for the new conditional shortcode is available here
Admin Notification Routing Enhancement
The Routing option for the Admin Notifications has been updated to support the enhanced conditional logic functionality introduced in Gravity Forms v1.6.3. You can now configure routing to use a variety of field types and enhanced conditions such as greater than, less than, contains, starts with, and ends with when performing a conditional statement.
Product Field Merge Tag Enhancements
We have enhanced the merge tag options for drop down and radio button Product Fields to support returning the quantity of that field. The quantity can be returned by appending :qty to the merge tag used for that field. For example: {My Product Field:1:qty} would return the quantity selected.
We have also enhanced the merge tag for the Total Field to support returning only the numeric value of the total. Previously the Total Field merge tag would always output the total price formatted as currency. Now you can append :price to the merge tag and it will return just the numeric value of the Total. For example: If the total is $10.50, the merge tag {Total:1:price} would return 10.50 instead of $10.50. This is useful for developers integrating with 3rd parties.
Other Fixes and Enhancements
- Added Calculation support to Number Field.
- Added Calculation support to Product Field.
- Added Conditional shortcode.
- Added enhanced conditional logic to Admin Notification Routing.
- Added support for showing lead on entry detail when LID or POS are passed.
- Added gform_recaptcha_init_script filter to allow custom changes to the recaptcha init.
- Added gform_entry_page_size hook to allow users to specify the page size on the entry list page.
- Added support for {Total:1:price} merge tag to allow total to be formatted numerically.
- Added support for {Product Name:1:qty} merge tag to allow the quantity of product fields to be returned via a merge tag.
- Updated inline js so that it is now “enqueued” and consolidated into a single script block tied to the ‘gform_post_render’ event.
- Updated notification wysiwyg styles in admin.
- Updated the form editor so that the max characters option on single input field is hidden when input mask is enabled.
- Updated checkbox field so that it can be pre-populated using an array in addition to a comma separated list.
- Fixed issue with {all_fields} merge tag when using post category fields as target of conditional logic.
- Fixed notice for $read_only variable.
- Fixed notice for postStatus.
- Fixed issue with form editor not allowing users to uncheck the “Set as Post Image” checkbox.
- Fixed issue where errors would be displayed when a “starts with” conditional logic was configured without the actual “starts with” value.
- Fixed issue with quantity field being recorded as . when a value is not entered.
- Fixed issue with a “Select Format” option appearing in the quantity field’s number format option for newly created fields.
- Fixed admin display issue with the bulk-add modal panel in Chrome.
- Fixed warnings when nl2br used on array.
Please note that documentation for these new items is in progress.