Gravity Forms v1.8.3 Released
Gravity Forms v1.8.3 is now available via automatic update and the customer downloads page. This is a maintenance release that also features new hooks and updates to the Gravity Forms API.
We recommend all users update as soon as possible. It is important to always keep WordPress, plugins and themes up to date as a matter of best practice.
What happened to Gravity Forms v1.8.1 and v1.8.2? Gravity Forms v1.8.1 was released without a blog post being published, while Gravity Forms v1.8.2 was skipped as some users were provided with this v1.8.3 release as v1.8.2 in anticipation of it’s imminent release.
Additional updates were made and we decided to go ahead and increase it to v1.8.3 so that those users who were supplied with v1.8.2 will still be able to use automatic update to get the additional changes that were made after they received the release.
What’s New in Gravity Forms v1.8.3
- Added new filter “gform_post_category_choices” to alter post category choices sort order. Both globally and form id + field id specific.
- Added INACTIVE setup script to trim leading and trailing spaces from all entry values, field labels, choice texts, choice values and input labels. Uncomment line 503 to test.
- Updated GFFormDetail::add_field() to json_encode the field markup before sending it back to the form editor.
- Updated GFCommon::calculate() to replace multiple spaces and new lines with a single space.
- Updated the File Upload field to use the https protocol in links to file downloads when the entry detail and entry edit pages are using SSL.
- Fixed issue with “No duplicates” option displaying on multi-select fields.
- Fixed an issue with conditional logic failing and some fields not retaining values after validation and changing page with field choices having leading or trailing spaces.
- Fixed missing delete icon on the entry edit page.
- Fixed a PHP warning on form submission with unsaved imported forms with post fields.
- Fixed inconsistent permission allowing users to import forms without edit form permission.
- Fixed issue where empty fileupload fields were being displayed in the entry detail, entry print page and {all_fields] merge tag.
- Fixed intermittent fatal error calling get_plugins().
- Fixed missing gform_pre_enqueue_scripts hook causing conflict with Picatcha.
- Fixed the gform_filters_get_users filter.
- Fixed missing ‘;’ on gformInitCurrencyFormatFields() init script.
API Updates in Gravity Forms v1.8.3
- API: Updated GFWebAPI::end() to public static so it can be used by add-ons.
- API: Added gform_webapi_$METHOD_$COLLECTION and gform_webapi_$METHOD_$COLLECTION1_$COLLECTION2 actions.
- API: Removed gform_webapi_$METHOD_$COLLECTION and gform_webapi_$METHOD_$COLLECTION_$COLLECTION2 filters.
You can update to the latest version of Gravity Forms using Automatic Update. Just visit the Updates page under the Forms navigation in your WordPress Dashboard. Update deployment is staged so if you do not see the update available, try again in a few hours. You can also download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page.