Gravity Forms v1.9.15 Released
Gravity Forms v1.9.15 is now available via automatic update and the downloads page.
This is a major maintenance and developer focused release that includes security enhancements, new hooks/filters, updates to the Gravity Forms Add-On Framework and the Gravity Forms API.
This release also includes updates to make it compatible with new Gravity Forms Add-Ons that are in development and nearing public release.
What’s New in Gravity Forms v1.9.15
- Added the gform_search_criteria_entry_list filter allowing the search criteria for the entry list to be overridden.
- Added $default parameter to rgar() function to allow returning a specified value if the targeted property is empty.
- Added security enhancements. Credit: Andrew Bauer – Boston University Web Team.
- Added security enhancements. Credit: Cyber Security Works.
- Added the gform_media_upload_path filter so the location post image files are copied to during post creation can be overridden.
- Added new filter gform_review_page to enable review form page.
- Added is_zero_decimal() helper to RGCurrency.
- Added “responsive” support to the entry list for a better experience on smaller screens. The first column is maintained while the rest of the columns collapse until toggled.
- Added new filter ‘gform_print_entry_disable_auto_print’ to disable auto-printing on Print Entry view. See:
- Added new action ‘gform_print_entry_content’ to better support customizing the print entry output. See:
- Added an index to the lead detail table to speed up searches.
- Added source_url to GFFormsModel::get_incomplete_submission_values().
- Updated the $review_page parameters for the gform_review_page hook to support configuring the next and previous buttons as images.
- Updated GFFormDisplay::gform_footer() to be a public method.
- Updated French translation. Credit: Thomas Villain.
- Updated order in which GFFormDisplay::maybe_add_review_page() was called.
- Updated GFFormDisplay::maybe_add_review_page() to accept a $form parameter (rather than a $form_id).
- Updated GFFormDisplay::maybe_add_review_page() to only generate a temp entry if a function has been bound to the ‘gform_review_page’ filter.
- Updated ‘gform_pre_process’ action to a filter to allow filtering the $form object before GF has begun processing the submission.
- Updated gf_do_action() and gf_apply_filters() functions to no longer require a modifiers parameter; Modifiers should no longer be passed as a separate parameter. Combine the action name and modifier(s) into an array and pass that array as the first parameter of the function. Example: gf_do_action( array( ‘action_name’, ‘mod1’, ‘mod2’ ), $arg1, $arg2 );
- Updated all calls to gf_do_action() and gf_apply_filters() to use new parameter format.
- Updated List field markup to include ‘gfield_list_container’ class on the table and ‘gfield_list_group’ on each table row.
- Updated the gformAddListItem(), gformDeleteListItem(), gformAdjustClasses(), gformToggleIcons() to target elements by class rather than element type; allows for custom, tableless List field markup.
- Updated conditional logic action description on Section field to ‘this section if’.
- Updated Hungarian translation. Credit: Péter Ambrus.
- Updated Print Entry view to use ‘gform_print_entry_content’ hook to output print entry.
- Updated GFCommon::replace_variables() to improve performance. Credit: the GravityView team.
- Updated Hungarian, thanks to Békési László.
- Updated Swedish (sv_SE) translation thanks to Thomas Mårtensson.
- Updated Spanish (es_ES) translation.
- Updated entry detail page so the gform_field_content filter can be used to override how the Section Break field is displayed.
- Updated GFCommon::send_email() signature to include $entry as tenth parameter, defaults to false if not passed.
- Updated gform_send_email_failed action hook to include $entry as third parameter.
- Updated gform_after_email action hook to include $entry as twelfth parameter.
- Fixed an issue which could occur when resuming an incomplete submission after the number of Page fields has reduced.
- Fixed page header not appearing on Updates page.
- Fixed an issue which, if the user clicked the save and continue link and then used the browser back button, would cause the save and continue confirmation to be displayed when clicking the next button.
- Fixed an issue which could occur when resuming an incomplete submission after the number of Page fields has reduced.
- Fixed page header not appearing on Updates page.
- Fixed an issue with the form specific version of the gform_review_page hook not being used.
- Fixed a fatal error which could occur when using the gform_review_page hook.
- Fixed an issue with the calculation type Product field displaying the parameter name setting for the price input.
- Fixed an issue with the Product field quantity input missing the disabled attribute in the form editor.
- Fixed an issue which caused no columns to be displayed on the entry list page if the first five fields are display only.
- Fixed an issue introduced in where the submitted checkbox values may not be available in certain scenarios.
- Fixed PHP warning on initial form display when using the ‘gform_review_page’ filter with a form that has calculations.
- Fixed an issue with the entries count on the forms list page including empty entries.
- Fixed issue where converting numbers to WP locale conflicted with numbers provided in conditional logic.
- Fixed an issue which allowed a user without the gravityforms_create_form capability to create a new form.
- Fixed an issue which could prevent checkbox values containing ampersands being exported.
- Fixed notice in GFFormDisplay::get_conditional_logic() when field had no dependents.
- Fixed an issue with merge tag replacement when using a modifier along with a conditional shortcode.
- Fixed an issue which could prevent the lead detail table being created.
- Fixed an issue with merge tag replacement.
- Fixed an issue with conditional logic when wp locale is set to decimal comma.
- Fixed an issue with calculation fields on number fields formatted as currency.
- Fixed an issue with calculation fields on number fields formatted with decimal dot.
- Fixed an issue when using conditional shortcode on a field containing double quotes.
- Fixed an issue with the Total field when the page is refreshed in Firefox.
- Fixed an issue with the filter links when combined with screen options.
- Fixed an issue with the admin styles when screen options are present.
- Fixed an issue with encryption/decryption when mcrypt isn’t available.
- Fixed an issue with the advanced options link toggling the advanced options on all expanded form widgets.
- Fixed issue with user defined price field not formatting to currency.
- Fixed an issue with how multi-input date and time Post Custom field values are retrieved during post creation.
API Updates in Gravity Forms v1.9.15
- Added the gform_post_add_entry action which fires at the end of GFAPI::add_entry().
- Added support for using ‘like’ and ‘>=’ as search operators.
- Added GFCommon::trim_deep().
- Added the gform_filter_links_entry_list filter to allow the row of filter links to be extended.
- Updated the comma separated list returned by GF_Field_MultiSelect::get_value_merge_tag() to include a space after the comma.
- Fixed an issue in the Web API for the submit_form function using the wrong variable.
Add-On Framework Updates in Gravity Forms v1.9.15
- Added ability to duplicate feeds.
- Added ability to disable duplication of specific feeds via GFFeedAddOn::can_duplicate_feed().
- Added duplication of feeds when form is duplicated.
- Added security enhancements. Credit: the GravityView team.
- Added GFFeedAddOn::get_active_feeds() method to get active feeds.
- Added GFPaymentAddOn::get_currency() helper for getting the currency object.
- Added GFPaymentAddOn::get_amount_export() to format the amount for export to the payment gateway. In add-ons which extend GFPaymentAddOn you would set $_requires_smallest_unit to true for the amount to be converted to the smallest currency unit e.g. dollars to cents.
- Added GFPaymentAddOn::get_amount_import() to, if necessary, convert the amount back from the smallest unit required by the gateway e.g cents to dollars.
- Added support for optgroup elements in the conditional logic fields select list.
- Added support for the title element in the config array for an app settings tab.
- Updated delayed feed logging to also include feeds delayed by the gform_is_delayed_pre_process_feed hook.
- Updated GFFeedAddOn::can_duplicate_feed() to return false instead of true to allow add-ons to opt-in to duplication rather that opt out.
- Updated GFAddOn::load_screen_options() to public.
- Updated GFPaymentAddOn::get_submission_data() to public.
- Fixed the error message when the user tries to update settings without permissions.
- Fixed an issue with the choices available for mapping for the field_map field type.
- Fixed an issue with the select_custom field type.
You can update to the latest version of Gravity Forms using Automatic Update. Just visit the Updates page under the Forms navigation in your WordPress Dashboard. Update deployment is staged so if you do not see the update available, try again in a few hours. You can also download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page.
Don’t own a Gravity Forms Yet? What are you waiting for? Purchase a copy today!