News & Updates -
By Carl Hancock
Published February 14, 2017
Gravity Forms v2.1.3 Released
Gravity Forms v2.1.3 is now available via automatic update and the downloads page.
This is a security, maintenance, bug fix and developer release. As with all updates we recommend users update as soon as possible.
Gravity Forms v2.1.3 Changelog
- Added security enhancements. Credit: James Golovich from Pritect, Inc.
- Added Dutch (Belgium) translation. Credit: Dave Loodts
- Added form ID and field ID modifiers to ‘gform_field_content’ and ‘gform_field_input’ filters.
- Added gform_target_page filter to allow modifying the target page.
- Added gform_order_summary filter.
- Updated gform_add_meta() and gform_get_meta() to no longer save meta for psuedo-entries; requires an integer greater than zero.
- Updated strings for translations.
- Updated the Czech (cs_CZ) translation. Credit: Tomáš Očadlý.
- Updated the gform_form_trash_link filter to include $form_id as the second parameter.
- Fixed several PHP notices and warnings which occurred when saving a new confirmation with PHP 7.1.
- Fixed the entry detail/{all_fields} display value for the Single Product field when the quantity input is empty or the price is 0. Credit: GravityView
- Fixed an issue with the PHPMailer error message logging statement.
- Fixed the filter links on the Forms list page incorrectly displaying “All” as the current filter when another filter was selected.
- Fixed an issue where fields can show up as invalid in the form editor if the form was updated using the form object returned after a validation failure.
- Fixed an issue with the view entry links on the entry list page when the list has been sorted.
- Fixed PHP notice during submission if a non-field merge tag is used in a calculation formula.
- Fixed an issue with the no duplicates validation for the Phone field.
- Fixed strings for translations.
- Fixed an issue with the forms current page number when resuming an incomplete submission for a single page form which could prevent Stripe.js from processing the submission.
Gravity Forms v2.1.3 Add-On Framework Changelog
- Fixed an issue setting the entry payment date when starting a subscription.
You can update to the latest version of Gravity Forms using Automatic Update. Just visit the Updates page under the Forms navigation in your WordPress Dashboard. Update deployment is staged so if you do not see the update available, try again in a few hours. You can also download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page.
Please Note: Automatic Update will only work if you have correctly entered your License Key in the Settings page of Gravity Forms in your WordPress Dashboard.
Don’t own a Gravity Forms Yet? What are you waiting for? Purchase a copy today!