News & Updates -
By Carl Hancock
Published May 4, 2017
Gravity Forms v2.2.2 Released
Gravity Forms v2.2.2 is now available via automatic update and the downloads page.
This is a maintenance, bug fix and developer release. As with all updates we recommend users update as soon as possible.
Gravity Forms v2.2.2 Changelog
- Added ‘gform_multifile_upload_field’ filter to allow field object to be filtered.
- Added ‘gform_duplicate_field’ javascript filter to allow duplicated field to be changed.
- Added the ‘gform_html_message_template_pre_send_email’ filter allowing the html formatted notification message to be overridden.
- Updated delivery of files requested for download to prevent third-parties to corrupt the file content.
- Updated the System Report.
- Fixed issues with the Copy System Report button and the form switcher drop down when no-conflict mode is enabled.
- Fixed issue with special characters when defining a new choice group in the bulk editor popup.
- Fixed a PHP warning and fatal error related to the Forms toolbar menu.
- Fixed the extremely outdated version message remaining after updating to the latest version.
- Fixed ‘undefined’ appearing as a header in the bulk add / predefined choices modal.
- Fixed the Members plugin integration which was missing the System Status page capability (gravityforms_system_status).
- Fixed styling issue with Entry Updated message.
- Fixed the minimum width of the form switcher drop down when all the forms have titles which are only a few characters in length.
- Fixed a potential conflict with other plugins that load modified versions of the WP_Background_Process class.
- Fixed an issue where dynamic population of a field may fail when the value passed in the query string is 0.
- Fixed a PHP notice when using the gf-download file link if the output buffer is not set.
- Fixed currently selected multi-select field choices not being selected when editing an entry.
- Fixed an issue with the confirmation message markup for AJAX enabled forms containing an extra gforms_confirmation_message div.
- Fixed the Forms dashboard widget including trashed forms.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error which occurred on the global settings page of the installation wizard when the entry point was the Forms > Add-Ons page.
- Fixed an issue with the submission time evaluation of conditional logic rules using the contains operator when the rule value is 0.
- Fixed an inconsistency between the front-end and validation character counts for the Paragraph field.
- Fixed a fatal error which could occur when checking if the logging add-on is active in some environments.
- Fixed an issue with license validation request that can prevent license key validation.
- Fixed a PHP notice on the System Status page with PHP versions older than 5.4.
Gravity Forms v2.2.2 Add-On Framework Changelog
- Fixed a PHP fatal error which could occur with add-ons using the field_map type setting with PHP versions older than 5.3.
- Fixed an issue preventing feeds from being processed in the background.
You can update to the latest version of Gravity Forms using Automatic Update. Just visit the Updates page under the Forms navigation in your WordPress Dashboard. Update deployment is staged so if you do not see the update available, try again in a few hours. You can also download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page.
Please Note: Automatic Update will only work if you have correctly entered your License Key in the Settings page of Gravity Forms in your WordPress Dashboard.
Don’t own a Gravity Forms Yet? What are you waiting for? Purchase a copy today!