Gravity Forms v2.2.5 Released
Gravity Forms v2.2.5 is now available via automatic update and the downloads page.
This is a maintenance update that includes bug fixes for the Gravity Forms core plugin, Add-On compatibility and the Add-On Framework.
We recommend users update as soon as possible in order to keep your WordPress site up to date with the latest bug fixes and security enhancements.
Gravity Forms v2.2.5 Changelog
- Updated form view recording so that IP isn’t included.
- Fixed an issue where the taxonomy returned in the $args by the gform_post_category_args filter is not used when populating the Category field choices.
- Fixed admin field labels being displayed when the form is embedded in an admin page or the front-end via Ajax.
- Fixed the Post Content field validation not checking the submitted value does not exceed the configured maximum characters.
- Fixed PHP notices in the form editor when creating a new form with quotes in the description.
- Fixed content templates being processed during post creation for fields hidden by conditional logic.
- Fixed the forms list views column displaying cached counts for a time after the views have been reset.
- Fixed missing dependency for form_admin.js on gravityforms.js (requires the gform object).
- Fixed JS error caused when 3rd party plugins include conditional_logic.js without generating a gf_form_conditional_logic variable.
- Fixed a PHP notice which could occur if an array was passed to the rgblank helper function.
- Fixed dynamic population of the Multi-Select field failing when multiple choices are passed in the query string.
- Fixed an issue with the redirect confirmation for Ajax enabled forms where the URL is encoded incorrectly.
Gravity Forms v2.2.5 Add-On Framework Changelog
- Fixed js and css files registered with field enqueue conditions not being included in some situations.
- Fixed js files registered with field enqueue conditions being included when the field is set to administrative which, in some situations, could cause JavaScript errors.
You can update to the latest version of Gravity Forms using Automatic Update. Just visit the Updates page under the Forms navigation in your WordPress Dashboard. Update deployment is staged so if you do not see the update available, try again in a few hours. You can also download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page.
Don’t own a Gravity Forms Yet? What are you waiting for? Purchase a copy today!