News & Updates -
By Jonathan Calderon
Published August 28, 2019
Gravity Forms v2.4.12 Released

- Added security enhancements
- Added From Email validation in the notifications settings.
- Added various bug fixes
Gravity Forms v2.4.12 Changelog
- Added security enhancements.
- Added From Email validation in the notifications settings.
- Added From Email warning message in the notification settings when the site domain is not being used for this setting.
- Added [gform_export_line] filter to allow modifying each line of the export separately.
- Updated the default placeholder for new Website fields. Credit: The GravityView team.
- Fixed a typo preventing the year sub-label input from displaying when editing a date field and having sub-label placement set to be above inputs.
- Fixed Dashicons not appearing in the block editor when using a Classic block with a Gravity Forms shortcode whose form contains a Rich Text Editor enabled Paragraph field.
- Fixed legacy database errors and notices generated during the uninstall process for add-ons.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error which can occur during entry export if invalid values are entered in the start or end date filters.
- Fixed PHP errors which could occur if the gform_recent_forms user meta does not contain the expected value.
Gravity Forms v2.4.12 API Changelog
- API: Fixed an issue with the way REST API v2 is handling entry values for legacy (pre v2.2) Multi Select fields.
Current Gravity Forms License holders can download the Gravity Forms v2.4.12 via automatic update or manual download from your account downloads page.