News & Updates -
By Jonathan Calderon
Published September 25, 2019
Gravity Forms v2.4.14 Released

Inside this release, you’ll find:
- Fix an issue with the automatic update.
- Added support for delaying feed processing with Stripe Add-On version 3.1 and greater when using the Stripe Checkout payment collection method.
- Added various enhancements and bug fixes
Please note that the minimum version of WordPress required for support has been updated to 5.1.
Gravity Forms v2.4.14 Changelog
- Fix an issue with the automatic update.
Gravity Forms v2.4.13 Changelog
- Added support for delaying feed processing with Stripe Add-On version 3.1 and greater when using the Stripe Checkout payment collection method.
- Added support for defining field values when using the Form block in the WordPress editor.
- Added the gform_notification_disable_from_warning filter to allow the from address warning to be disabled.
- Updated gform_post_note_added filter to support new note sub-type parameter.
- Updated Import/Export page to be accessible if user has “gravityforms_edit_forms” capability.
- Removed support for the Members plugins v1. Members v2+ integration remains.
- Fixed the conditional logic init scripts not being output when a Repeater field is located before other fields with conditional logic.
- Fixed an issue where HTML tags in field choices break conditional logic.
- Fixed an issue with the merge tag UI where labels with HTML tags are not encoded.
- Fixed an issue with the merge tag UI where the selected merge tag is incomplete if the label contains a double quote character.
- Fixed detection of domain used for the From Email warning message in the notification settings in certain scenarios.
Gravity Forms v2.4.13 Add-On Framework Changelog
- AF: Added GFPaymentAddOn::get_post_payment_actions_config() for payment add-ons to define where the Post Payment Action setting (delayed feeds) should appear on their feed configuration page.
- AF: Added GFPaymentAddOn::trigger_payment_delayed_feeds() for payment add-ons to call when delayed feeds should be processed.
- AF: Added the gform_trigger_payment_delayed_feeds action hook which runs when payment add-ons trigger delayed feeds.
- AF: Added the gform_post_save_feed_settings action hook which runs when the feed is saved or updated from the feed configuration page.
- AF: Fixed an issue where multiple GFPaymentAddOn based payment add-ons would process the submission when conditional logic isn’t configured on the feeds.
- AF: Fixed issue where select fields overflow and break the settings layout.
Current Gravity Forms License holders can download the Gravity Forms v2.4.14 via automatic update or manual download from your account downloads page.