Blog -
By Jonathan Calderon
Published May 6, 2020
Gravity Forms v2.4.18 Release

Inside this release, you’ll find:
- Added security enhancements. Credit: Dominik Schilling.
- Added a title attribute to the Ajax iframe to pass the W3 validator.
- Added accessibility enhancements to the progress bar in multi-page forms.
- (Complete changelog listed below)
Gravity Forms v2.4.18 Changelog
- Added security enhancements. Credit: Dominik Schilling.
- Added a title attribute to the Ajax iframe to pass the W3 validator.
- Added accessibility enhancements to the progress bar in multi-page forms.
- Added the gform_post_enqueue_scripts action hook.
- Added three new filters to control the display of buttons in rows two, three, and four of the paragraph field’s rich text editor.
- Added a logging statement to help identify the reason for the system report displaying the “Table has not been upgraded successfully” message.
- Added support for filtering attributes for the [gravityforms] conditional action.
- Updated credit card icons so that they are displayed properly on retina screens.
- Updated one of the Field Type options to “Single Line Text” in Post Tags and Post Custom Field fields.
- Updated the Members and User Role Editor integrations so the Logging and REST API capabilities are located in the Gravity Forms group instead of the GF Add-Ons group.
- Fixed an issue introduced in GF where all block types would be available regardless of the types allowed by the WordPress allowed_block_types filter.
- Fixed an issue where the multi-file upload field on some multi-page forms can display escaped multibyte unicode characters.
- Fixed an issue where the title and description are displayed by the AJAX submission response when disabled on the Form block.
- Fixed PHP notices which can occur when uploading a file without an extension.
- Fixed credit card icons positioning.
- Fixed a PHP warning which occurs when the gform_form_args filter does not return an array.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occurs when the Gravity Forms Gutenberg Add-On (Experimental) is active.
- Fixed an issue where Gravity Forms block assets are still enqueued when editing a page or post when the block type is disabled.
- Fixed front-end merge tag replacement for the Email field, with confirmation input enabled, including values from both inputs.
- Fixed PHP notices which occur when a currency code is passed to GFCommon::remove_currency_symbol().
- Fixed an issue which prevents scripts and styles being enqueued correctly for forms embedded in reusable blocks.
- Fixed alignment issues with Form block placeholder elements.
- Fixed an issue where the spam filter link is not displayed on the Entries page when some third-party plugins mark entries as spam.
- Fixed the product field mapping setting, in the form editor, not displaying the admin labels when available.
- Fixed a PHP notice which occurs when using `GF_Field_Consent::get_value_export()` without specifying the input ID.
- Fixed PHP notices on the Forms > System Status > Updates page when the plugin is installed in a custom directory.
- Fixed an issue where notification routing initially displays the admin labels in the fields drop down but reverts to the front labels when a new rule is added.
- Fixed an issue where entry limit and schedule validation errors are not displayed when processing Ajax submissions.
- Fixed PHP 7.4 notices which occur when rendering a field without a form object e.g. the User Registration login form.
- Fixed a PHP notice which can occur when validating the strength for the Password field.
- Fixed PHP notices which occur when using the form title to embed the form and the form is not found.
Gravity Forms v2.4.18 API Changelog
- Added the gf_has_filters function to check if a callback is registered for the specified filter.
- API: Added the gf_has_action function to check if a callback is registered for the specified action.
- API: Add functions to get, add, update, and delete entry notes.
- API: Add endpoints for notes to REST API v2.
Gravity Forms v2.4.18 Add-On Framework Changelog
- Fixed an issue on the installed plugins page where the add-on settings page link could disappear when the list is filtered.
- AF: Fixed an issue where the Members integration does not list the Results Page capability for add-ons which register a results page configuration e.g. Polls.
- AF: Fixed an issue where settings using the jQuery Repeater, such as generic_map, can be broken by custom keys and values containing quotes.
- AF: Added `GFPaymentAddOn::is_valid_payment_amount()` which is called during validation when determining if the add-on should process the submission.
- AF: Added the gform_{$short_slug}_is_valid_payment_amount filter.
- AF: Added `GFAddOn::get_short_slug()` to return the add-on slug with the gravityforms prefix removed.
Current Gravity Forms License holders can download the Gravity Forms v2.4.18 via automatic update or manual download from your account downloads page.