Blog -
By Jonathan Calderon
Published July 15, 2020
Gravity Forms v2.4.19 Release

Inside this release, you’ll find:
- Added security enhancements.
- Updated recommended minimum PHP version on the System Status page to 7.3, matching the WordPress recommendation.
- Updated minimum WordPress version on the System Status page to 5.3.
- (Complete changelog listed below)
Gravity Forms v2.4.19 Changelog
- Added security enhancements.
- Added gform_preview_header, gform_preview_body_open actions to Preview Form page.
- Added the gform_field_size_choices filter allowing the choices for the Field Size setting in the form editor to be customized.
- Updated recommended minimum PHP version on the System Status page to 7.3, matching the WordPress recommendation.
- Updated minimum WordPress version on the System Status page to 5.3.
- Updated the gravityforms.php examples for defining the reCAPTCHA constants: GF_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY and GF_RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY.
- Updated the field merge tag to support the admin modifier.
- Updated the gform_akismet_enabled filter to include $form_id as the second parameter.
- Updated the gform_akismet_fields filter to include $action as the fourth parameter.
- Fixed an issue where the maximum files reached message is not removed from the multi-file upload field when an upload is cancelled or errors.
- Fixed an issue with Ajax enabled forms where the default Confirmation is displayed instead of the Save and Continue Email Sent Confirmation.
- Fixed an issue where the default prefixes for new Name fields can include duplicates when translated.
- Fixed an issue with the saving of the screen options on the Forms and Entries list pages introduced by changes in WordPress 5.4.2.
- Fixed an issue where the empty form validation error is applied to unsuitable fields such as HTML and Section.
- Fixed an issue where PHP notice thrown when a payment add-on failed without providing proper error messages.
- Fixed submissions which fail honeypot validation or are marked as spam using the configured confirmation. The default “Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly.” message will be used instead.
Gravity Forms v2.4.19 API Changelog
- Fixed an issue where leading and trailing spaces are not removed from values included in the temporary entry produced by GFFormsModel::create_lead().
Gravity Forms v2.4.19 Add-On Framework Changelog
- Fixed a floating point precision issue which can occur for some payment amounts when combined with a 100% coupon resulting in an error from the payment gateway.
Current Gravity Forms License holders can download the Gravity Forms v2.4.19 via automatic update or manual download from your account downloads page.