Introducing Gravity SMTP: Test the Alpha Today!
We are excited to announce the launch of a new product – Gravity SMTP!
With Gravity SMTP, you’ll be able to reliably send emails from your WordPress website. Don’t rely on the default PHP Mail function used by WordPress, instead integrate your site with secure and trusted SMTP providers and API-based services, helping you to confidently send and track emails from your website.
Gravity SMTP has been released as an alpha, and we are currently looking for members of our community to join the Gravity Forms Beta Testing Program, test Gravity SMTP, and provide feedback.
Read on to find out more about Gravity SMTP and and how to get started with the alpha today…
Gravity SMTP Alpha: All You Need to Know
Gravity SMTP is still in the early days of development, but has launched with a number of features and integrations that we are excited to share with you…
Connect with Email Providers You Trust
With Gravity SMTP, you can quickly and easily integrate with the right email provider for your business – no matter how many emails you need to send.
While in alpha, you will be able to send WordPress emails via SendGrid and Postmark, as well as other SMTP and API-based services via our custom SMTP feature.
Simply configure the settings to connect with the email provider/s of your choice. Once synced, you can toggle each email service on or off, selecting the provider that best fits your requirements.
As Gravity SMTP is developed, we’ll be adding more out-of-the-box integrations – watch this space!
Send Test Emails
After connecting with an email provider, Gravity SMTP will enable you to test the functionality of the mail sending service.
Using this feature, you can test your SMTP settings by sending a test email to an address of your choice, helping to ensure that your email configuration is correct and that emails will be sent and delivered successfully.
Track Your Emails
With Email Logging, you’ll be able to easily track the emails you’ve sent from your website. Gravity SMTP provides a detailed record of all emails, letting you to see at a glance email status, date and time sent, and sender and recipient email addresses.
Again, we have many more email logging features planned in and coming soon, this is just the start!
Test Gravity SMTP: Join Our Beta Program
As mentioned, Gravity SMTP is in the very initial stages of development – hence it being released as an alpha. We have numerous features planned for this product and we’d love to get input from our community to help us as we move forward.
To install and test the alpha, you need to join the Gravity Forms Beta Testing Program.
Once you’ve signed up, we will send you an email with an invite to our private Beta Testing Facebook group. It is here that you can watch our in-depth video on the new product, and download the Gravity SMTP Alpha 1 zip file.
It is important to note that we do not recommend Gravity SMTP for use on production sites – you should only install and test the alpha in a sandbox environment.
Any questions about Gravity SMTP or joining our Beta Testing Program? Please contact our Support team, they love to help!
Ready to test Gravity SMTP? Join the Gravity Forms Beta Testing Program and get started with Gravity SMTP today- we look forward to hearing your feedback!
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