Our Thoughts.
A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.

iThemes Builder Events Block Integrates With Gravity Forms
By Carl HancockThe great team over at iThemes have introduced a new Builder Block for their populate Builder theme framework, Builder Events Block. Not only that, but it integrates nicely with Gravity Forms! The Builder Events Block makes adding and managing events on your Builder powered WordPress site quick and easy. It works seamlessly with Gravity Forms to provide a simple and organized method of registering for events and managing attendees. Read more about it and get full details over at the iThemes blog right here.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.6.4.1 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.6.4.1 has been released via automatic update. If you are running older versions of Gravity Forms, including the initial v1.6.4 release, you should update to this new release. It resolves 2 issues that were discovered in the brand new Gravity Forms v1.6.4.
Read moreGravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro v1.0 Beta 2 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On v1.0 Beta 2 is now available. PayPal Payments Pro has been one of the most highly requested payment add-ons and we are pleased to announce it is one step closer to a final release. While this is considered a beta release, it is considered stable and is actively being used in production by Gravity Forms users. We will not be releasing it as a final 1.0 public release until Express Checkout functionality has been added, the current beta build only supports Direct Payments.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.6.4 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.6.4 is now available via automatic update. This is an exciting release as it introduces one of the most highly requested features yet to be implemented: field calculations. The ability to perform calculations has been added to both the Number Field and the Product Field. The second major feature of this release is another highly requested feature, the ability to perform conditional logic within email notification messages, form confirmations and content template through the use of a new shortcode. So not only are we bringing you one of the most highly requested features, we are bringing you two of the most highly requested features in this release!
Read moreGravity Forms v1.6.4 Beta 1 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.6.4 Beta 1 is now available. We are excited about this release because it introduces a new feature that has been heavily requested: field calculations. This release also introduces a new Gravity Forms shortcode that can be used to do conditional logic in the message of email notifications as well as in the confirmation text message to conditionally display content to the user based on field selections they made when submitting the form. We can’t wait to receive feedback from users who want to help us test out the new features. Please provide beta feedback and bug reports on the Support Forum and make it clear you are referring to the 1.6.4 Beta 1 release when doing so. Thanks!
Read moreGravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On v1.0 Beta 1 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On v1.0 Beta 1 release is now available. This has been a highly requested add-on that allows you to integrate Gravity Forms with the PayPal Payments Pro online payment processing solution. The Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On allows you to quickly integrate payment forms with PayPal Payments Pro to capture credit card payments along with form field data when forms are submitted.
Read moreGravity Forms User Registration Add-On v1.4 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms User Registration Add-On v1.4 is now available via automatic update. This update resolves an issue with BuddyPress that caused new users to not appear in the BuddyPress activity feed or member directory until they login for the first time.
Read moreGravity Forms v1. Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1. is now available via automatic update. This is a maintenance release that resolves issues with the email notification message not properly including line and paragraph breaks when creating the message using the visual rich text editor.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.6.3.3 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.6.3.3 has been released via automatic update. This is a maintenance release which also adds additional API hooks for developers. This is an important maintenance release and we highly recommend all users update to this version. We always recommend WordPress users run the latest version of WordPress as well as Gravity Forms at all times to avoid support issues related to patched bugs, etc.
Read moreGravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On v1.0 Released
By Carl HancockThe Gravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On has graduated from beta status to official release. It is now available via automatic update, the add-on manager in Gravity Forms as well as the Add-On Downloads page on the support site. The Gravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On allows you to quickly integrate forms with Authorize.Net to capture credit card payments along with form field data when forms are submitted.
Read moreGravity Forms MailChimp Add-On v1.6.3 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms MailChimp Add-On v1.6.3 is now available via automatic update. This release fixes a minor bug related to single quotes being used in field labels, and adds support for an error logging add-on for Gravity Forms we will be releasing soon. We highly recommend all users update.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.6.3.2 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.6.3.2 is now available via automatic update. This is a major maintenance release that resolves bugs introduced in the Gravity Forms v1.6.3 feature release. While we always have a long beta period before releasing a big update, unfortunately some issues we encounter are only uncovered after the new release is being more widely as was the case with v1.6.3. We highly recommend all users update to the latest release and always run the latest version of Gravity Forms as well as WordPress.
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