Signature Add-On v3.6 Released
We’re proud to announce that a new version of the Signature add-on has been released. Most notably, version 3.6 includes support for responsive signature fields. This means that regardless of your user’s device, whether on mobile or desktop, the signature field will adapt to your user’s screen size.
Of course, even if your users are only on a desktop browser, you’ll still see benefits in this update as it also contains various bugfixes and compatibility enhancements as well.
Version 3.6 of the Signature add-on is available via automatic update or by manually downloading the add-on from within your Gravity Forms account.
Responsive Signature Fields
As we mentioned previously, signature fields are now responsive as of version 3.6. This has been a highly-requested feature and we’re happy to bring it you!
As you can see, regardless of the width that’s set on the field, the signature area will automatically resize depending on the browser size. This means that across desktop, tablet, or mobile browsers, your users will have a consistent experience when adding their signature to a form.
Signature Add-On 3.6 Changelog
- Added responsive support to the Signature field.
- Fixed fatal error when displaying the signature image on some servers.
- Fixed PHP warning message.
- Updated SuperSignature to version and used unhexed version.
What Do You Think?
What do you think of the new update to the Signature add-on? Is there another feature or add-on you would like to see? Let us know in the comments below!