Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On v1.0 Released
We are pleased to announce that the Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On has graduated from beta status and is now an official v1.0 release. The Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On allows you to leverage Zapier to integrate with over 3,000 different web services and counting. Have a 3rd party service that you want to integrate Gravity Forms with and an Add-On does not yet exist? Zapier may be the answer.
With Zapier you can automate tasks between multiple online services and use Gravity Forms as the trigger. Gravity Forms will pass the data to Zapier and Zapier will process the information using any “Zaps” you have configured in Zapier. For example, add a lead to Salesforce and notify your sales team in a HipChat chat room at the same time. Zapier lets you automate all of these tasks and allows Gravity Forms to integrate with hundreds of services.
Is this a replacement for existing Gravity Forms Add-Ons that Zapier may integrate with? No. Zapier is one way integration, so any Add-Ons we provide for a specific 3rd party service will likely provide closer integration. However, Zapier is a powerful tool that allows you to integrate with a wide variety of services that currently do not integrate with Gravity Forms.
In order to use the Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On you must have a Zapier account. Zapier is a paid service and pricing is based on volume and usage. However, they do offer a Free plan so it’s easy to sign up and try it out.
For more information you can consult the documentation.
System Requirements
The Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On requires Gravity Forms v1.7.5+ and WordPress v3.5+.
How To Get It
You may install the Zapier Add-On via the Gravity Forms Add-On Manager in your WordPress Dashboard. You may also download the Zapier Add-On manually via the Add-On download page, and read the documentation here.