News & Updates
A collection of missives and messages, along with nerd talk and company carryings-on.
Gravity Forms v1.5.2.8 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5.2.8 is now available via automatic update. This release includes compatibility fixes for the upcoming WordPress 3.2 release as well as brand new hooks and filters that can be used for customization purposes. We always recommend users run the latest version of WordPress and Gravity Forms, so be sure to update Gravity Forms before updating to WordPress 3.2 to ensure jQuery compatibility.
Read moreGravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.7 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.7 is now available via automatic update. This release provides compatibility with Campaign Monitor’s checkbox custom field and the ability to map Product Fields to Campaign Monitor Custom Fields.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5.2.3 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5.2.3 is now available. This is an important update that provides compatibility with changes introduced in the latest WordPress 3.2 beta which now includes jQuery v1.6.1. We always recommend users run the latest version of WordPress and Gravity Forms, so be sure to update Gravity Forms before updating to WordPress 3.2 to ensure jQuery compatibility.
Read moreGravity Forms PayPal Add-On v1.2.3 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms PayPal Add-On v1.2.3 has been released. This release addresses a compatibility issue involving CURL SSL peer validation that will prevent IPN from working properly on some web server configurations.
Read moreTwentyTen Theme-Specific Styles Removed for
By Kevin FlahautUpdate: This change made it into an earlier release than originally expected. It’s effective for the new release. In another bit of housecleaning and streamlining the plugin, we’ve decided to remove the TwentyTen theme-specific rules from the default forms.css file starting with the release of the version. That’s one less thing for us to maintain and it also reduces code bloat for everyone that’s not using the current WordPress default theme. To be clear, this doesn’t mean we’re dropping support for the TwentyTen theme itself, it simply means we’re not including those theme-specific styles in the default stylesheet from now on.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5.2.1 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5.2.1 is now available via automatic update. This is an important update for those wanting to use WordPress 3.2 Beta 1 as makes Gravity Forms compatible with jQuery changes being introduced in WordPress 3.2. We always recommend users run the latest version of WordPress and Gravity Forms, so be sure to update Gravity Forms before updating to WordPress 3.2 to insure jQuery compatibility.
Read moreGravity Forms Goes Multilingual With WPML
By Carl HancockWe are pleased to announce that the WPML team have introduced an Add-On for WPML that allows you to translate Gravity Forms. A common issue with web sites catering to international users is how to handle multiple languages and translations. Luckily for WordPress users there is a great solution in the form of the WPML plugin and Gravity Forms Multilingual. What this means is instead of creating multiple forms to accommodate multiple languages, you can now create one form and use WPML to translate it into multiple languages. This simplifies the form management process and removes the Gravity Forms Multilingual is an Add-On for the WPML plugin. You can find out more information and details on Gravity Forms Multilingual at the WPML website.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5.2 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5.2 is now available via automatic update. This update is a maintenance release that brings updated support for changes made to the reCAPTCHA API for the reCAPTCHA field as well as bug fixes and the introduction of a new admin related hook. We highly recommend you always run the latest version of Gravity Forms and keep your WordPress install up to date.
Read moreGravity Forms Add-On Updates Released
By Carl HancockWe have released updates to the Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, PayPal and User Registration Add-Ons. All Add-Ons have been updated to better handle fields containing HTML characters to accommodate changes made in Gravity Forms v1.5 to allow more HTML usage. Other updates and fixes have also been made and are detailed in this post. These updates have been released via automatic update.
Read moreGravity Forms v1.5.1 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms v1.5.1 has been released via automatic update. This is primarily a bug fix release as a follow up to our launch of Gravity Forms v1.5. It also adds a few new features to the mix and refines the CSS to help overcome theme styles that may interfere with form display. We highly recommend you always run the latest version of Gravity Forms.
Read moreGravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.4.1 Released
By Carl HancockGravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.4.1 has been released via automatic update. This release provides better support for situations where another plugin may be calling the Campaign Monitor API class, or using the Services_JSON class to prevent plugin conflicts.
Read moreGravity Forms Twilio SMS Add-On v1.0 Beta 1 Released
By Carl HancockWe are pleased to announce the v1.0 Beta 1 release of our SMS notification Add-On. This Add-On works with the Twilio service to provide SMS notifications when a form is submitted.
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