Community Add-Ons
Gravity Forms has a vibrant community of third party developers creatively extending the power and reach of the product. This area lists add-ons developed, maintained and supported by third party contributors. You cannot download or obtain support for these add-ons from official Gravity Forms channels. Any third party product mentioned is provided as a convenience, and should not be considered complete, accurate, nor a recommendation or endorsement of any kind. Customer is solely responsible for determining fitness of purpose for their use case.
eCommerce Fields
Make Gravity Forms more eCommerce-friendly with support for Tax, Discounts, and Subtotal fields plus a bunch of other helpful e...
Limit Submissions
Limit the number of entries that can be submitted by almost anything (user, role, IP, URL, field value) for almost any time per...
Pay Per Word
Create fields that calculate a total based on the number of words in a Paragraph or Post Body field.
Nested Forms
A Gravity Forms Repeater add-on for simple and complex forms. Create forms within forms for better management of robust data co...
Feed Forge — Free Plugin
Bulk process feeds of existing Gravity Forms entires. Supports almost all feed-based add-ons.
GravityMath: Advanced calculations for Gravity Forms
Perform advanced calculations on your form data. Display the number of form submissions, build calculators, and much more!
Display (and filter) the number of entries or the sum of a Number Field for multiple entries with a simple shortcode.
Fresh Forms
Prevent posts and pages with a Gravity Forms shortcode or Gutenberg block from being cached.
List Number Format
Format List Field Columns as Number Field, do Calculations with row and column totals.