Community Add-Ons
Gravity Forms has a vibrant community of third party developers creatively extending the power and reach of the product. This area lists add-ons developed, maintained and supported by third party contributors. You cannot download or obtain support for these add-ons from official Gravity Forms channels. Any third party product mentioned is provided as a convenience, and should not be considered complete, accurate, nor a recommendation or endorsement of any kind. Customer is solely responsible for determining fitness of purpose for their use case.

Randomize your form's choices and reduce order bias! Great for onboarding/offboarding flows and surveys!

Feed Forge — Free Plugin
Bulk process feeds of existing Gravity Forms entires. Supports almost all feed-based add-ons.

Dashboard Widget Controls
Customize which forms you see in your Gravity Forms Dashboard Widget.

Feed Specific Submit Button
Dynamically update your form's submit button to tell customers they're being redirected to Stripe Checkout.

Code Chest
This free plugin loads your custom JavaScript to Gravity Forms in the appropriate context and on the correct form, automaticall...

Word Count
Limit the amount of words a user can submit inside Single Line, Paragraph and Post Body text fields.

Cache Buster
Bypass WordPress plugin caching on specific forms, instead of entire pages, and keep the performance boost of page caching (fre...

Format Date Merge Tags
Unlimited control over how you display captured dates.

A free plugin that lets you round numbers up or down by increments. Example: selling sheets of paper in sets of 500.