Community Add-Ons
Gravity Forms has a vibrant community of third party developers creatively extending the power and reach of the product. This area lists add-ons developed, maintained and supported by third party contributors. You cannot download or obtain support for these add-ons from official Gravity Forms channels. Any third party product mentioned is provided as a convenience, and should not be considered complete, accurate, nor a recommendation or endorsement of any kind. Customer is solely responsible for determining fitness of purpose for their use case.

ClickSend SMS Integration Premium
Send SMS instantly upon form submission with ClickSend SMS integration

Checkbox Custom Styles Addon
Add nice design custom checkbox styles to your GF form easily

AutoConvert Integration Premium Add-On
Integrate Gravity Forms with AutoConvert easily

Auto Populate Country/State/City/Ward Addon
Add an auto populate field for Country/State/City/Ward easily!

Airtable Integration Premium
Submit data to Airtable instantly upon Gravity Forms submission

Affirm Payment Add-on
Allows user to submit payment with Gravity Forms through Affirm payment gateway easily

Advanced Start/End Date/Time Range Selection Field
New advanced custom start/end date/time range picker selection with various settings

Advanced Restrict Dates Selection Premium Add-on
Add the ability for admin to restrict date's seletion easily with default Date field.

Advanced Autocomplete Field
Add an advanced autocomplete field to your project's form easily

Form Locker Add-on
Allows admin to lock out any individual GF form and set desired password for users to access the form easily.