Community Add-Ons
Gravity Forms has a vibrant community of third party developers creatively extending the power and reach of the product. This area lists add-ons developed, maintained and supported by third party contributors. You cannot download or obtain support for these add-ons from official Gravity Forms channels. Any third party product mentioned is provided as a convenience, and should not be considered complete, accurate, nor a recommendation or endorsement of any kind. Customer is solely responsible for determining fitness of purpose for their use case.

Image Hopper
Image Hopper is the ultimate image editor and uploader for Gravity Forms.
Image Captcha For Gravity Forms
Adds a Honeypot and a clean image captcha to Gravity Forms. Images are made using Font Awesome's font icon.

Import Entries In Gravity Forms
Import or update CSV file data in the entries section of gravity form within minutes with Import Entries in Gravity Forms.

JWT Prefill
Create JSON Webtokens to populate fields dynamically in Gravity Forms.

Keap/Infusionsoft by CRM Perks
Gravity Forms Keap/Infusionsoft Add-on sends form submissions from Gravity Forms to Keap/Infusionsoft when someone submits a co...

Klarna Payment Gateway
Use Klarna Checkout or Klarna Payments with Gravity Forms to accept payments in nine European countries and the United States.