Community Add-Ons
Gravity Forms has a vibrant community of third party developers creatively extending the power and reach of the product. This area lists add-ons developed, maintained and supported by third party contributors. You cannot download or obtain support for these add-ons from official Gravity Forms channels. Any third party product mentioned is provided as a convenience, and should not be considered complete, accurate, nor a recommendation or endorsement of any kind. Customer is solely responsible for determining fitness of purpose for their use case.

Product Configurator for WooCommerce
The control and customization of Gravity Forms inside WooCommerce products. Deeply integrated with both ecosystems — it just wo...

Disable Entry Creation
Automatically delete a Gravity Forms entry and any associated files after the form is submitted.

Price Range
Specify a minimum and maximum price range for User Defined Price product fields.

Better User Activation
Take complete control of your Gravity Forms User Registration activation page.

Terms Of Service
Add a “Terms of Service” field to your form and require full scroll and checkbox agreement.

Post Content Merge Tags
Use Gravity Forms merge tags directly in your WordPress post content. Now you can use a single confirmation page for multiple f...

eCommerce Fields
Make Gravity Forms more eCommerce-friendly with support for Tax, Discounts, and Subtotal fields plus a bunch of other helpful e...

Read Only
Configure applicable form fields to be set to a read only state so that they are visible but not editable.

Limit Submissions
Limit the number of entries that can be submitted by almost anything (user, role, IP, URL, field value) for almost any time per...

Limit Choices
Limit how many times each “choice” on a multi-choice field may be selected.