Post Content Merge Tags
Use Gravity Forms merge tags directly in your WordPress post content. Now you can use a single confirmation page for multiple f...

eCommerce Fields
Make Gravity Forms more eCommerce-friendly with support for Tax, Discounts, and Subtotal fields plus a bunch of other helpful e...

Read Only
Configure applicable form fields to be set to a read only state so that they are visible but not editable.

Limit Submissions
Limit the number of entries that can be submitted by almost anything (user, role, IP, URL, field value) for almost any time per...

Limit Choices
Limit how many times each “choice” on a multi-choice field may be selected.

Preview Submission
Allow users to confirm their submission is correct before actually submitting.

Advanced Select
Make Drop Down and Multi Select fields beautiful, flexible, searchable, extensible, and capable of dynamically populating massi...

Date Time Calculator
Use Date and Time fields in your Gravity Forms calculations. Perform advanced date and time calculation with ease.

Progress Meter
A free plugin that displays a progress meter on your forms to visualize how close each submission or payment gets you towards a...

Validate a field’s value against the WordPress Comment Blacklist validation.

Magical Gravity Perks Combos for Visually Stunning Forms
Learn more about these Gravity Wiz plugin combinations that provide a smooth UX, boost user engagement, and drive better conversions.

Explore Gravity Connect: Notion, OpenAI, Airtable, and Google Sheets
Gravity Connect is a suite of plugins that connects your forms to some of the world’s most popular services. Brought to you by Gravity Wiz.

How to Build A Content Editor with Gravity Forms OpenAI
If you, your team, or your website users are creating content, Gravity Forms and OpenAI can help you save time and improve quality. Find out more…

5 Gravity Perks Combinations For Superpowered Forms
Gravity Perks can help you build anything, and fast. Powerful on their own, find out just what you can do when perks are combined!